Matt Kemp promotes MLB Extra Innings package for Directv Matt Kemp wants you to “STEP UP TO THE PLATE” and order the MLB Extra Innings Package from Directv. For $200 bucks you can watch Matt (whose getting a fresh start after an injury-riddled 2012 season) and all his ball-hitting, ball-catching, and ball-throwing friends, on a …
Tag Archive: Los Angeles Dodgers
BASS CHECK: Matt Kemp covers ESPN Magazine
Matt Kemp covers ESPN Mag You can find the awesome and handsome Matt Kemp, the Los Angeles Dodgers star centerfielder, on the latest cover of ESPN Magazine. While the cover is amazing, it’s the story on the inside that is much more compelling…
COVERED: Magic Johnson and Matt Kemp grace Sports Illustrated
Magic Johnson and Matt Kemp share SI cover The latest Sports Illustrated cover reads “Fun and games in L.A.”
New $2 billion chapter for Magic Johnson, partners and LA Dodgers
Los Angeles Dodgers fans can breathe a sigh of relief and look forward to the new season because Frank McCourt has agreed to sell the team. A group that includes NBA great Magic Johnson won the bid to purchase the storied Dodger franchise for $2 billion.
Matt Kemp Visited Lopez Tonight, Spoke of Blake Griffin Friendship
Matt Kemp was greeted by chants of “MVP” and a tequila shot from George Lopez upon his recent visit to Lopez Tonight in Los Angeles. Matt looked GREAT in his designer duds, as pointed out by Upscale Hype, and he spoke fondly of friend and Los Angeles Clippers star Blake Griffin, whom he knows from …
Dodgers Fans Appeal To Mark Cuban – Save Our Team
This may be a sports first. Have the fans of a professional sports organization ever campaigned for a new owner? That’s exactly what is going on in Los Angeles.