Michael Vick and The Humane Society of the United States attacked in national media outlet.
The more things change, the more they stay the same.
While Michael Vick is struggling on the field, an organization named HumaneWatch has gone to great lengths to criticize the NFL QB for now owning a dog, and the Humane Society for supporting Vick’s decision to do so.
They have taken out a full page advertisement in USA Today entitled HUMANE OUTRAGE (enlarged ad HERE).
According to HumaneWatch.org, their purpose is – Keeping a watchful eye on the Humane Society of the United States.
But, they are also counting people’s money which is no surprise because that is what ‘watchdogs” do.
They imply that $50,000 was given to the Humane Society by Vick’s “employer.” I assume they are referring to the Philadelphia Eagles, but because the ad is vague in this respect they could also mean the NFL.
At any rate, from a freedom of speech p.o.v., they are free to express these views but from a “get a life” perspective, this is old hat.
From a legal standpoint, Michael Vick served his federal time and continues to pay his debt to society, including maintaining a relationship with the Humane Society, and if any organization wants to donate its money to the Humane Society on behalf of Vick, so be it.
Michael Vick spoke to this on his Facebook page where he says, “I am proud to support the HSUS’s work to protect dogs…”
It is very likely that Michael will deal with this type of disdain for the rest of his days.
1 comment
26 October, 2012 at 11:27 AM (UTC -8) Link to this comment
HumaneWatch.org~~SHUT THE HELL UP. He did his time for the crime, so who are you to say he isn’t ready to own a dog? YOU are NOT the judge.