L.A. City Council unanimously approved the building of Farmers Field
The Los Angeles City Council gathered today for a historic vote on the construction of a football stadium, to be named Farmers Field, in downtown Los Angeles that paves the way for the NFL to return the city.
Today’s events were a pretty big deal and brought out a couple of sports greats to lend their support….
This is serious business, and while there is still opposition to this project (environmental impact) the potential economic boon Farmers Field and a NFL team can bring to the city is enormous.
So, Los Angeles. What are you going to do now that your council members have approved Farmers Field, the potential future home to a NFL team or two?
I have a suggestion. Get on the good foot and let Roger Goodell and the NFL’s 32 team owners now that you want a team here.
There has been a long held notion that Los Angeles can’t support a team, because Los Angelenos aren’t interested. Please prove this adage wrong. Let the billionaires know that you can take time out from the beach and sun to attend games on a Thursday, Sunday, or Monday. Assure them that award season is not that big a distraction, or that the Lakers, Clippers, Dodgers, Angels, Trojans, Bruins and the World Champion Kings don’t hold enough weight to keep you away.
All the t.v. money in the world has not convinced the National Football League to return to Los Angeles. Its been about eighteen years, for goodness sake. Wouldn’t you love to have the Super Bowl in town?
Listen up folks — it’s time. Be it the Rams, Jaguars, Chargers, Raiders, Vikings or some other team, you will be counted on for support. Will it be a challenge? Yes, because this is a transient city. Folks come here from EVERYWHERE to stake a piece of fame or sunshine. Heck, I am a Bears fan, so I can’t promise I will be there for every home game – but I love football so I am sure I’ll get to a few.