Friday morning in an interview on ESPN’s Mike & Mike in the Morning Scottie Pippen opined that Miami Heat forward (and Eastern Conference champ) LeBron James could be THE BEST player to ever play in the NBA, and that Michael Jordan is simply the best scorer of all time.
Blesphemy? Perhaps. Foolishness? Yup.
As Jordan’s teammate, Scottie Pippen won six titles for the Chicago Bulls. Arguably, Michael Jordan is the best NBA player ever. To imply that LeBron James could be the best ever would be plausible if Mr. James had rings. To date, he does not and the one ring that he might win this year won’t cut it.
Pippen is entitled to his opinion, but he has seemingly set the sports world on fire with it. To add injury to insult, after he began to receive criticism for that comment, he took to to his Twitter account with this….
Within the past year or two, Pippen has become a beloved figure of sorts in Chicago. He is an ambassador for Bulls, his jersey hangs in the rafters of the United Center, and he has a STATUE outside of the stadium. For him to crap on the legacy of Chicago’s most beloved athlete does not bode well for his reputation in the city.
All I have to say to Scottie is, good luck with that bruh.