Randy Moss and Lil Wayne sit down for a man-to-man pow wow.
Randy Moss was recently interviewed by Lil Wayne for ESPN NFL Countdown and he had some intereesting and mature things to say.
Moss recognizes that he may not have always expressed himself in a palatable manner, but he doesn’t seem to have any regrets. He and Wayne agree that they say it like it is.
As for Cris Carter, who once claimed Moss had “quit” in him and couldn’t be trusted, Moss, who was initially hurt by the comments, seems to have forgiven his former mentor.
The most intriguing part of the interview for me, was when Wayne asked Moss about his reasons for coming out of retirement. Moss chose instead to give us insight on why he left the game in the first place and how he shed tears, “snot” and all, over his decision.
Good stuff. Take a look for yourself….
Its nice to see Randy Moss all grown up. I never disliked him before, but I like who he has become. Let me be more clear, I like who he has become until tomorrow when the San Francisco 49ers play my beloved Chicago Bears. Then, I’ll go back to liking him on Tuesday.
1 comment
19 November, 2012 at 11:10 AM (UTC -8) Link to this comment
I am totally amazed at the new Randy Moss, He is proof that real men do grow up, keep up the good work Randy and you just may get that SB ring your daughter wants you to get.